Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feast on This: Strategic Sports Marketing - Holiday Edition

Welcome to a special holiday edition of Strategic Sports Marketing. This is one of our favorite sessions of the year. Not only does it begin the home stretch for the semester but it also provides the first class wide exposure to your marketing projects. And, thanks to the power of the internet and social media, we are able to experience this in the comfort of personal surroundings - away from the classroom.

A couple of logistical notes. You must be logged in to participate in this session. You can log in via your Facebook or Twitter logins. You can also create a Blogger sign in with your Gmail account (but I would prefer FB or Twitter). We will take attendance via your log in.

Here's how it works. We will use the following order:

1. Introduce the Team
2. Hydro Sheets
3. Health, Heels and Helmets
4. Puma Infinity Watch
5. C-Scan Mouthguards
6. Cross Yoga

The moderator (Kyle) will control the clock. PRIOR to class, you should designate the person on your team who will introduce the project. You should have your project introduction ready to go prior to your time slot. The best way to do this is to cut and paste a paragraph (or two) write up of your project and when the moderator introduces your group, the designee will submit the post. The rest of the class, upon reading your introduction, will submit questions about your project. Any member of the team can answer the questions from the class. You should be prepared to address questions on all key elements of your plan - target market, approach, key tactics, financials, etc.

It is imperative that the entire class engage with each project. Your feedback is extremely valuable as this is the first gauge for these groups of market response. Other than that, just have fun. We are using a tool called COVERITLIVE to facilitate our live chat. This is an industry leading tool for live social engagement so you should check it out at COVERITLIVE.com. It can be used on websites, blogs, Facebook or on a standalone basis. Our goal is to be done before 7PM. Sit back, grab an adult beverage and enjoy our sports marketing feast.